Ayokanmi Adeyemi


Live site
A Landing page for a Financial service company - a replica of Kuda.com.
Type: Financial service
Stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Bootstrap.
techat landing page
About Project

It is a project that I undertook in Techathon 1.0 mentorship program. I was originally the team's Graphic design lead due to the fact that I registered as a graphic designer for the program then. I contacted my overall team lead and made my ability and verse knowledge in making responsive designs with Bootstrap known to her. She gave me a try by inviting me to the team's repo on github and after some modification to the page, I was now officially part of the team's developers.

Apart for the fact that I and my graphic design team where responsible for the Techat logo, images, typeface(font), colour palette used on the page, my dedication to the team success was somehow rewarded as I was the one who presented the project to the panelist.

Project Goals and Objective

Our goal was to clone the Kuda bank landing page, not only the UI but also the message that reverberated all over the page; banking with freedom.

Check the live site here