Ayokanmi Adeyemi

Galcom Blocks

Live site
Website for a Concrete block moulding organisation.
Type: Manufacturing
Stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Bootstrap.
galcom block landing page
About Project

My client wanted to scale up their manufacturing firm by creating an online presence to further facilitate the company's reach to potential customers who might want to purchase good or services by simply typing into their search box. Obviously, the way to go was with a website.

Without a doubt, these kind of people stated above, especially those from Ogijo-Sagamu axis are my client's targets. And to easily convert the visitors of this website who surely may have not seen the firm physically, copy on the site clearly explains everything they need to know to convince them to make a purchase. It also features a contact form to aid easy purchase.

Project stack

I made use of HTML, Vanilla CSS, Bootstrap CSS and Javascript.

Check the live site here